Taste Great and the kids love to make them with you!
Prep Time
15 min
Bake Time
15 min
4 People
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Put all of the ingredients, except the milk, into a food proessor and pulse untl it forms a crumbly dough. Add the milk, start with 1/2 tbsp. and pulse. Add more if it is still crumbly.
Turn out the dough onto a silicone mat and knead it until it comes together into a ball. Should take just a minutes or two.
Rolls out the dough into a large sqaure or rectangle. It doesn't have to be perfect. You are aiming for a thickness of less then 1/4-inch. Do not make too thin or they will burn rather quickly. Try to get the thickness even across the entire dough.
Using a pizza cutter, cut the rolled out dough into small squares.
Place the squares on a parchment lined baking sheet. You can put close together as they do not spread too much. Do not let touch though. Using a chopstick to poke holes into the center of each cracker.
Bake for 13 to 15 minutes, start checking at 12 minutes. Bake until the edges start to turn brown.
Remove from oven and let cool then enjoy!